Talent Triumph:
Building strong software engineering teams

17th October, 2024

Hyatt Centric Mg Road Bangalore

06:30 PM Onwards

This event will address key challenges and opportunities in enhancing software engineering quality within Global Capability Centers (GCCs). We aim to provide actionable insights and proven strategies to drive improvements in engineering teams, with a focus on the rapidly evolving Indian market. Attendees will leave equipped to refine hiring practices, boost team performance, and establish new benchmarks for engineering excellence.

Key Discussion points

  • Data-Driven Insights: What do the data and insights from Karat's extensive experience conducting 350K interviews across regions reveal about the concentration of elite talent in specific areas? How can these insights be leveraged to enhance hiring practices? Additionally, Karat will share industry benchmarking insights, specifically focusing on candidate interview performance across different industries and regions.
  • Best Practices to Improve Quality: What specific practices do companies leading the way in improving engineering quality utilize for their success? How can other organizations adopt these practices?
  • Global Standards for Engineering Quality: The need for globally consistent hiring bars in assessing engineering quality, and how can companies align their practices to these standards? What are the potential benefits of such alignment?


Time Topic
06:30 PM to 07:00 PM Registration & Welcome Refreshments
07:00 PM to 07:10 PM Welcoming Remarks
07:10 PM to 07:35 PM Keynote Address (Industry Speaker)
07:35 PM to 07:55 PM Karat Presentation (Karat Speaker)
07:55 PM to 08:35 PM Fireside Chat: Explore the strategies that peers implement to raise the quality of software development teams.
08:35 PM to 08:45 PM Closing Remarks
08:45 PM Onwards Conversation Over Dinner & Cocktails

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